Friday, July 5, 2013

Ladies – don’t give up your friends for a man!

How many people stop seeing and calling their friends when they are in a relationship? Let’s see a show of hands... one, two, three, four... -- ah -- too many. And how about you? Hey - stop looking down when I’m talking to you! Yes, you!

Friends are great to have around. You can share your good news with them, or even a cake or an ice cream sundae. Scandal isn’t the same unless it’s shared with a friend and when bad news comes along, you pick up your phone to reach out to your friends.: )

So why do you stop calling them when you are in love? Is it because you want to spend every free minute that you have with The One You Love? I know. It’s true. 

But it’s not a good thing. As the relationship moves along and Mr. Perfect is beginning to get on your nerves a bit, you need a break from him (or her), and then you realize that you miss your friends. Keeping in touch with them is like having insurance—you might not really NEED them again, but it’s good to know that they will be there for you if you do. Especially if you have a breakup—so make sure you maintain your “Friends Insurance.”

When Anna and Jonas broke up, Anna discovered that she had no friends to turn to. Here’s part of her story from Breakup Cocktail:

“...(Anna) had forgotten to take out Friends Insurance when she met Jonas. Friends Insurance is offered by your old friends from school, Ed and Cindy, your neighbor Betty, and Adam from the gym.
Or any other friends you spent time with before your big relationship came sailing into the bay like a cruise ship ready to take you away on the trip of a lifetime. Now that the ship has docked and everyone has disembarked, where are your friends? Are they waiting at the port, ready to welcome you back? What? You didn’t even send them a postcard from the Ports of Happiness, New Boyfriend or Engagement? What makes you think they will be there to greet you now?”

Poor Anna had to regain her friends—and fast. But Anna had another shock to deal with when she and Jonas split up, as he was a very sneaky man...

Read Anna’s Tale and 60 other funny and helpful breakup tales in Breakup Cocktail, available on and and other bookstores.
Click here to see some more

Excerpt from Breakup Cocktail: 5 Parts Humor, 1 Part Healing and a Twist of Revenge©
2012 Barbara Kingsley Singer. All rights reserved. See the book


  1. My friends have always been like my family. No new relationship would be right if they didn't still fit in my day to day life. :-)

  2. I'm glad to hear that. It's the right way to go - always keep your family and friends close.
